Monday, July 30, 2012

Giving My Inner Vlogger A High Five: Hello, YouTube!

I've always wanted to venture into the crazy world of vlogging, but never got around to doing it until yesterday, when I decided to just get over that fear of, not just appearing in front of the camera, but also uploading it on YouTube for the world to see. And I have to say that it actually wasn't that bad at all!

I was debating (with myself) about the kind of content I would like to record on film as a way to make my blog a lot more visual than simply uploading pictures. So I looked around YouTube and thought that the Monthly Favorites routine a lot of vloggers have come up with could be a lot of fun to do. Plus, it kind of gives me some degree of personal accountability to vlog regularly and keep this routine going.

So for my little premiere on YouTube, here is my first Monthly Favorites video, where I talk about my favorite TV show, book, video game, etc. for the month of July. Hope you enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Favorites: Rain boots! Ankle-high (is there such a thing as ankle-high?) boots? Doc Martens! Basically all kinds of boots, except for those with heels. haha) I find that boots add attitude to what you're wearing, may it be a dress, a pair of pants or shorts.

Karla Veronica Mercado said...

Yumi: Yes, ankle boots are so awesome and fairy like. Boots just make everything look extra glam-rific!