Thursday, January 3, 2013

First Post for 2013 -- We're Married!

It's been a long time since I last updated this blog, and the fact that my last post was made by "single" me, feels surreal.

Photo by the amazing Sam Tsosie
Yes, I finally married the love of my life, the man of my dreams, my best friend, Christopher!

Married life has been fun, interesting, and busy so far; I do have an excuse for not posting anything for a couple of months! We've been busy moving into our new place, and enjoying the newness of married life.

I've never lived with anyone other than my family until I married Chris, so it's been quite an adjustment, albeit a really joyous one.

I used to think that living together before tying the knot was a great and practical idea for any engaged couple, and I still believe that, but I realized that waiting until you are married can be quite different, in a wonderfully magical way!

I had looked forward so much and waited patiently yet giddily for that day when I finally get to live with someone I could picture growing old with. While dating, it got a little tiring having to say goodbye after watching a movie or having a romantic dinner, or even staying in for a couple of movies, instead of just saying "Good night" and "See you when I wake up" afterwards.

Now, we could finally do all of that and so much more, and we couldn't be happier (except that I'm sure there's always room for happiness in the years to come)! Nothing compares to that moment when your husband carries you into your new home. And yes, he did literally sweep me off my feet and carried me like any geeky, old-fashioned husband would!

So, we've been busy the past couple of months with wedding preparations, the wedding itself, moving in, and finally getting a taste of this new life together. With the ups, I did have my downs, just like what closing any memorable chapter in your life feels like, and I'm sure he's had his share of bittersweetness as well, but overall, we are extremely blessed.

Work will start in a few days as the Christmas season finally comes to yet another end, and I will surely be busy, but I will make sure to update this blog as often as I can and share this new life with the few interested readers that I have. I hope that everyone has a happy and fresh start to this brand new year. See you all in the next update!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooweeeeee-ooooooo! Congratulations Roni! :) I saw your wedding photos and that group dance seemed really reaaaallly fun. See you soon!